Some links to stuff for backing up stuff. Save some grief, back up your stuff before something gets stolen/broken/erased by accident.
Excellent looking tool that will back up the "common" stuff. IE settings, XP Keys, shared docs, Outlook Express files, Outlook PST, etc.
A slashdot topic on backup tools for the small office, some good links in here:
Never tried: apparently you can use a System State backup (excluding a handful of files) to restore onto new and different hardware -
Some open source packages that I have not tried yet: - i don't think this is encrypted for "not fully trusted" storage
borg backup (no mainline Windows support)
bup - no way to prune old backups
- largely inspired by duplicity, explicity supports Windows, and only uses "dumb" server side, e.g. ftp or whatever, and encrypts the server side - sounds good -
- 2022-11 - Good thread - - Duplicati doesn't get very good reviews on Hacker News.
- I had issues w/duplicati backing up a TB or so of photos on LAN via FTP on Windows. Took forever and had to baby sit it for when it got hung up.
Tags: back up, backup, backing up, save, protect, offsite, ntbackup, rotate, backed, restore, recovery, problem