rar.exe and par2.exe command line example
A little batch file I use to automate the conversion of a big Linux dump file into a bunch of encrypted rar chunks plus par bits for saving on CDRW\'s.
(Watch for line break problems in the cut and paste into the scribble web)
REM 2004-02-29
REM Copywrite Leonard Chan - http://lc.yi.org.
REM A little batch file to backup stuff.REM 1. server will backup via Samba to my PCREM 2. rar to split, encrypt, and compress the fileREM 3. par2 to create redundanciesREM 4. burn with something or other ( something scriptable )REM -rr5p - 5% recovery records; -m2 - "fast" compression;REM -p prompt for password;REM -r recurse; -ri1:10 - low priority w/10msec sleepREM -v20M - 20mb chunks REM "c:\\program files\\winrar\\rar.exe" a -rr5p -m2 -p -r -df -ri1:10 -v20M L:\\backup\\backup.rar L:\\backup\\*.*REM 2004 03 28REM m - move files instead. -m0 store, no compress. "c:\\program files\\winrar\\rar.exe" m -rr4p -m0 -p -r -df -ri1 -v20M L:\\backup\\backup.rar L:\\backup\\*.*REM par2 REM a sample from a forum: PAR2CMD C -R10 -S640000 -U TEST TEST*.RAR "C:\\programs\\quickpar\\par2" c -r20 backup L:\\backup\\*.*
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>> rar.exe and par2.exe command line example