nxserver debian

Installation of freenx was relatively easy on debian (testing).

mostly followed these instructions from the colinux wiki

<?samjam>kalyxo and freedesktop.org packages aren't there at present, so I got mine from: deb http://debian.tu-bs.de/knoppix/nx/slh-debian/ ./ deb-src
http://debian.tu-bs.de/knoppix/nx/slh-debian/ ./

apt-get update
apt-get install nxserver

You can not run the client as "root" so you will have to add a user on colinux.
This can be done by typing:

adduser -m NEW_USER

at the command prompt.

Then set up the nx server:

nxsetup --setup-nomachine-key
nxserver --useradd NEW_USER
nxserver --passwd NEW_USER

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  • ID: 580
    Date Updated:
    2004-11-26 14:41:43
    Date Created:
    2004-11-26 14:41:43


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