Remotely Enable Remote Desktop

Blatantly copied/edited/paraphrased here since I had to pull this off of the Google cache and the original is rather lengthy.

Original page:

This should work for Windows XP and Windows Server 2K3.
  1. Test that you have admin access by making a network connection to the remote computer (e.g. try \\remote_computer\c$ in Explorer).
  2. Start regedit.exe.
  3. Use "Connect Network Registry" to the remote computer name
  4. Edit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\fDenyTSConnections on remote computer.
  5. 0 to enable Remote Desktop or 1 to disable it, and click OK.
  6. Disconnect the remote computer from the registry editor using File, Disconnect Network Registry, and selecting the correct remote computer in the list.
  7. Reboot the remote computer for the changes to take effect.
    Try shutdown -r -m \\remote_name -t 5 (Add a -f to force the reboot)
tags: remotely, tsclient, winxp

Related Scribbles:
  • System Administration
  • Remote Desktop Settings, Command Line, .RDP Syntax
  • Windows XP Notes

  • ID: 384
    Date Updated:
    2007-12-16 22:26:01
    Date Created:
    2004-01-01 17:11:59


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