Fixed a quirky issue with Outlook Offline Mode today...
A user was getting these errors in the Sync Issues folder - several per day, totaling thousands before I was contacted:
16:40:45 Synchronizer Version 11.0.8200
16:40:45 Synchronizing Mailbox '[username]'
16:40:45 Synchronizing Hierarchy
16:40:46 Synchronizing server changes in folder 'Deleted Items'
16:40:46 Downloading from server '[server name]'
16:40:48 2 item(s) added to offline folder
16:40:48 Terminated in error
16:40:48 [8007000E-50C-8007000E-560]
16:40:48 There is not enough memory available to perform the operation.
16:40:48 Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store
16:40:48 For more information on this failure, click the URL below:
The link above went nowhere.
Simply removing the OST to force Outlook to build a new offline file did NOT work this time.
Logging in via Outlook Web Access (OWA) displayed 2K items are in deleted items, vs. zero in Outlook. A deleted item on the server was very corrupt.
In OWA, you can click on the recycle bin icon while the Deleted Items folder is open to remove all the items.
After clearing the Deleted Items in Outlook, I removed the .OST again, as suggested here:
Note: OST location - \Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook
In retrospect, I might have been able to turned off or disable offline mode, open the inbox, delete Deleted Items items and turn offline mode back on.
This gave some hints about a specific item being the problem -