Batch Files (.bat and .cmd)
Some batch file examples and similar scripts (e.g. WSH) for Windows (mostly).
An incredible collection of batch files:
errorlevel 0 - almost universally success. traditionally > 0 was an error. but some utilties return negative values for errors! "NEQ" is your friend.
SET newvar=abc - do NOT put spaces around the equal sign, that is NOT the SET syntax. (very bizarre, variable will be listed when you type SET)
FOR /f "delims=" %%i in (redo-list.txt) DO ( ... ) -- do NOT put quotes around the file name - quotes are an entirely different thing in FOR.
Runs ffmpeg on every .mov file in the current folder ( likely to lose formating in the save, based on - ) : FOR /F "tokens=*" %G IN ('dir /b *.mov') DO ffmpeg -i "%G" "%~nG.mp4"
PAUSE - is built in pause (not sure when added)(stops and waits for key to continue)
Sleep for x seconds - nothing built in as of Win10 - either 3rd party or hack ping for 30 seconds: PING -n 31>nul
tags: script, batch, .cmd, .bat, automate
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>> Batch Files (.bat and .cmd)