.htaccess encrypted password calculator
This page hosts a calculator to create an encrypted password for your .htpasswd/.htaccess system. Thus, your password is NEVER cleartext, neither on your web server, nor is it sent over the line (it get's MD5 + hashed in your web browser)
another one (the above seems to go down from time to time):
or if you have access to the proper software, use a command like this:
htpasswd -bc /path/to/where/you/want/to/store/the/password/file/.htpasswd admin admin_password
WARNING - the "b" flag tells htpasswd to create a new file (overwriting the original one)
[ source: http://www.qmailrocks.org/vqadmin.htm ]
Tags: httpd, apache, authentication, basic, login, security
, .htpasswd, .htaccess,
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