Cache-Control Header Notes (and web browser cache management in general)
REM: there are different caching concepts and levels of cache.
Etag (files like JPG)
Cache-Control header in HTTP protocol, in conjunction with expires header.
See a web pages cache settings, curl --head
Firefox Developer also works.
Hosted - - provides analysis
Hosted (free) analyzer - - it fetches page and all components and shows the cache settings of each file (e.g. images) - but doesn't seem to report the Cache-Control header.
Good Doc:
Cache-Control: private -- lets the client browser do whatever caching it wants
Cache Control: max-age -- sets a max age -- must be a syntax to this...
Cache Control: No-cache -- officially requires a test before refetching, in practice, browsers consider this "do not cache"
Google - on 2014-09 uses - Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
Google Logo - Cache-Control: private, max-age=31536000 (but I think the URL to the image changes)
max-age is in seconds - max-age=2592000 = 30 days (60sec * 60min * 24hours * 30days)
Good thread:
no-cache sounds safer that max-age=0 - MUST not vs SHOULD not.
tags: cache, expiry
Leonard Chan's Homepage
Scribble Web
>> Cache-Control Header Notes (and web browser cache management in general)