cscript.exe and wscript.exe notes



What to enter for "engine" in cscript command line: It looks like "vbscript" is OK, and I've personally used "jscript".


Executes the script with the specified script engine. Among other things, this allows you to run scripts that use a custom file name extension. Without the //E argument, you can run only scripts that use registered file name extensions. For example, if you try to run this command:

cscript test.admin

You will receive this error message:

Input Error: There is no script engine for file extension ".admin".

To run a script that uses a custom file extension, include the //E argument:

cscript //E:vbscript test.admin

One advantage of using nonstandard file name extensions is that it guards against accidentally double-clicking a script and thus running something you really did not want to run.

This does not create a permanent association between the .admin file name extension and VBScript. Each time you run a script that uses a .admin file name extension, you will need to use the //E argument.


tags: cscript, wscript, jscript, vbscript, command, line

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  • ID: 950
    Date Updated:
    2010-04-21 16:19:51
    Date Created:
    2010-04-21 16:19:05


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