I wanted to strip the tabs from an Access memo field that caused crazy behaviours when I pasted text from other sources into it. So... I went looking. MSFT has a nice sample:
' The following function will:
' - Find the tabs in a Text or Memo field.
' - Call another function to remove the tabs.
Function FindTabs(WhichField As String) As String
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim strText As String
Dim intStart As Integer
intStart = 1
intCounter = 1
strText = WhichField
Do Until intCounter = 0
' Chr(9) is the Tab character.
' Replace Chr(9) with the ANSI code for the character
' you are searching for.
intCounter = InStr(intStart, strText, Chr(9))
intStart = intCounter + 1
If intCounter > 0 And Not IsNull(intCounter) Then
strText = RemoveTabs(intCounter, strText)
End If
FindTabs = strText
End Function
' The following function is called from the FindTabs() function. It
' accepts two arguments, intStart and strText. The function removes tabs
' from the field. It returns the updated text.
Function RemoveTabs(intstart As Integer, strText As String) As String
Dim front As String, rear As String
front = Left(strText, intstart - 1)
rear = Mid(strText, intstart + 1)
RemoveTabs = front & rear
End Function
tags: vba, access, strip, tab, character, replace