SQL Server Profiler Notes
Some random notes on running traces:
- the like syntax is similar to sql, use "%Office%"
SQL Express 2005 does not include a profiler-type tool (neither did MSDE).
Someone created this free tool, SQLExpressProfiler. I haven't tried it yet, but I've seen a few references to it on the web.
Update: AnjLab's SQL Express Profiler seems to work well - whoops, SQL 2005 only, no support for MSDE. The only problem so far, is selecting the right event classes to trace.
Here's the full list of IDs:
If you're just trying to snoop SQL statements, try IDs
42,43 - stored procedures
This page lists several tools for SQL server:
Do a trace from OSQL - this might be the easiest option for MSDE:
tags: trace, sqlserver, profiler,