VMware InPageError

I had to fix a weird error with VMWare Server (on my laptop).  The text was something similar to "vmware server vmx inpageerror" -- sorry, lost the exact text.  I think I triggered it with a hard shutdown - some other program appeared to lockup.

The hard drive would make some weird noise on disk access - it seems to be only in VMWare, with one of two VMs that I use. And the host has been running quite well, so I don't think the physical drive has problems.

Ran chkdsk on the physical drive. Nothing came up.

In the end, I renamed (and later deleted) the files that I think are for vmware to place memory conents on "pause" of the VM:

564d9988-1aa8-05c4-81e6-34b6f1b4cdef.vmem.lck (1).vmem

So far so good.

tags: vmware, server, virtual, guestos, boot

Related Scribbles:
  • Virtualization Notes

  • ID: 873
    Date Updated:
    2007-10-07 02:02:03
    Date Created:
    2007-10-07 02:00:00


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