Find Images Used in PrintMaster 4 File

To find the image files used in a print master 4 file, try this:

strings.exe -a c:tempmr2.sig | findstr /i .jpg

Use strings.exe from

It will get you a basic list of file names. At the very least it will give you something to use as a search term in the Art Gallery.

Another option, probably better, (since the actual file names are not searchable in the catalog!), is to use just:

strings.exe -a c:/temp/print-master-file.sig > string-output.txt
then open string-output.txt in a text editor.
in the text editor, search for .jpg for bitmaps, and .cgm for vector art pieces. 
the text in the line _before_ the filename is the image description (which is searchable)

Yes, PM4 is a bit dated, 1997, but the Platinum Art Collection of thousands of images and 200 odd fonts in Print Master Platinum 4 is pretty useful, even today.
Related Scribbles:
  • Graphics Stuff

  • ID: 740
    Date Updated:
    2006-01-22 17:32:01
    Date Created:
    2006-01-22 16:57:59


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