Google Maps Fun (and iOS)

iOS offline

Tap on the profile icon located next to the search bar. Then scroll to the bottom of the page. There'll you'll find a new section dedicated solely to offline maps. You have two methods for saving a section for offline use. The first is here in the settings, or by typing "OK Maps" into the search bar at any time when viewing a map.


Save Photo 2021:

In Chrome. Browse. Turn on Inspect. Getting thumbnail is easy. But to get larger image, go to image you want so it fills the main viewer portion of screen. Switch Inspect to network (so new data transfers are easy to spot), then zoom in and out, and the full size (or at least larger) JPG will get transferred. You get a URL with s= in it. This is some sort of size, you can manually change it and you get a higher res image.



LOL RE: Original Scribble: In 2005 Google Maps was new (and "fun")

Google maps is awesome. Here are a few sites that collect interesting sites from around the globe using the satellite images.

All of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites:

Related Scribbles:
  • Add file extensions to be searched by Google Desktop
  • Search Engine Info
  • Web Archive

  • ID: 648
    Date Updated:
    2021-11-15 12:09:02
    Date Created:
    2005-06-26 15:47:44


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