Concurrent Versioning System (CVS)
CVS. It's kind of old, but it works. I don't know what I did before I learned versioning software.
There's a good list of links to relevant software over at This includes CVS server and client software for Windows and Linux. Also, links to some merge and diff tools.
Currently I'm having good luck (i.e. easy enough for a dumb guy like me to figure out) with tortoise cvs.
Quick tortoise + pageant note: use SSH2 keys. SSH1 didn't seem to work
To apply a .diff file (created from diff, in Unix) use 'patch' - there's a usable windows port from djgpp
To remove all those annoying CVS folders:
List the folders from the Windows command line:
for /f "tokens=*" %i in ('dir /b/a/s CVS*') do @echo "%i"
Delete: for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('dir /b/a/s CVS*') do @rmdir /q /s "%%i"
Or, the batch file:
@echo off
echo Deleting CVS folders and files under: %1
REM Open Folder specified by parameter.
cd %1
REM Recursive delete command
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('dir /b/a/s CVS*') do @rmdir /q /s "%%i"
echo Done!
tags: cvs, concurrent, version, recursive, diff, merge, winmerge
Leonard Chan's Homepage
Scribble Web
>> Concurrent Versioning System (CVS)