NTFS Notes

Some NTFS Notes:


Create a symbolic link in Vista+:

Use something like this to move the Google Chrome folders to another disk drive: 

mklink /D "C:\Users\lchan\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome" "F:\Users\lchan\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome"

It can be applied to most folders.

mklink /j for a junction.

junction vs symbolic?

Util for XP - junction - from SysInternals:

To create a junction c:\Program-Files for "c:\Program Files": junction c:\Program-Files "c:\Program Files"


NTFS Permissions over Domain to allow Remote Computer "Local System" to write, etc:

"So, if you have a computer called MANGO, you'll have an Active Directory computer account called MANGO$, which you can grant permissions to." - http://serverfault.com/questions/135867/how-to-grant-network-access-to-localsystem-account


Syntax for Service User Accounts



Alternate Data Streams

Good description and a utility (streams.exe) for finding them from sysinternals:

"Next, type 'echo hello > test:stream'. You've just created a stream named 'stream' that is associated with the file 'test'. Note that when you look at the size of test it is reported as 0, and the file looks empty when opened in any text editor. To see your stream enter 'more < test:stream' (the type command doesn't accept stream syntax so you have to use more)."



Take Ownership of All Files on F:

takeown /F "F:" /A /R /SKIPSL  /D Y


tags: windows, NTFS, symlink, hardlink

Related Scribbles:
  • EFS, cipher /r missing, and other EFS Notes
  • File Systems and Stuff
  • Free NTFS writing boot floppy
  • Notes
  • System Administration
  • Windows

  • ID: 306
    Date Updated:
    2021-08-12 16:19:06
    Date Created:
    2003-10-28 13:42:09


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