Regex Examples and Tools
Learning regular expressions is tricky.
Here are some links:
- - live test regex - just use this - I can't figure out regex...
- Versions for windows and probably other stuff.
- - some good samples.
they have a good looking cheatsheet here:
- - another article on learning regex
- - good selection of samples.
Removing strings like "[1]", "[8]" from multiple rows of text in EditPlus. I couldn't figure out how to escape square brackets, so I broke it down this way:
replace all "[" with @
replace all "]" with @
replace "@[0-9]@" with blank with regex option enabled.
editplus: [\.][0-4] -- find period + digit from 0-4.
\b - word boundary:
Since digits are considered to be word characters, \b4\b can be used to match a 4 that is not part of a larger number. This regex does not match 44 sheets of a4. So saying "\b matches before and after an alphanumeric sequence" is more exact than saying "before and after a word".
tags: regex, editplus
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